DRAFT DOCUMENT README.txt for MGAUS soundings from XPIA/CABL, BAO, March 2015 Julie Lundquist, Julie.Lundquist@colorado.edu List of soundings: Caveats: Data are completely raw and unprocessed; with caaution, preferably with sounding software like ASPEN (https://www.eol.ucar.edu/software/aspen). Although the "A00" line in the sounding should give the GPS altitude of 1588 m, it was initially incorrectly set to 1607m. GPS altitude should not be used; more info below from Kate Young, NCAR: "For fixed sites, to obtain accurate heights I use Google Earth Pro to determine the surface geometric height and then use the equation below to compute a starting point for the geopotential height. Running the soundings through ASPEN will produce a hydrostatically computed geopotential altitude for the profile. This is the altitude that should be used for evaluating sounding data, not the GPS altitude. The vertical accuracy of the GPS is typically +/- 25 m and there is no quality control performed (in ASPEN) on GPS height. Geometric Height = 1582.52 m pi <- 3.14159265359 latrad <- as.numeric(lau.lat[1]) / 360 * 2 * pi #lat in radians g <- 9.80616 * (1.0 - cos(2.0 * latrad) * .0026373) #gravity constant corrected for lat dem <- 3.085462e-06 + 2.27e-09 * cos(2.0 * latrad) - 2.0e-12 * cos(4.0 * latrad) R <- 2.0 * g / dem geoalt[1] <- (g * R * geometric[k]) / (9.8 * (R + geometric[k])) #Geopotential altitude